We begin by pulling 3 cards to get our insight for the week ahead.
What will this week be like?:
The Hierophant- A lot of interactions this week will revolve around ethics, especially those that you find in the workplace or around large groups that you're involved in. Stick to what you believe is right and the right thing to do, even if you find others may disagree.
How should I approach this week?:
Daughter of Skulls (Pentacles)- Remember that what you put out, you get in return. Keep in mind your ability to create and manifest things around you including opportunities you may be looking to receive. Stay positive, and stay optimistic about things. What you sow, you reap so take the time to sow good energy!
What do I need to watch out for this week?:
Eight of Scepters (Wands)- Things can easily get out of hand this week. So be mindful of the time limits you're given to complete things and make sure you work at a steady pace (Not too quickly or slowly). Make mini-goals to reach during the week to make sure you're on track and focused. Tackle problems early on as they too can take on speed and get away from you before you know it.
The oracle portion of this reading brings up the Primal card. This card tells us to work off our instinct this week. Trust what our gut says and when we are unsure, to take a moment to step back and connect deep to this current that we all share which can point us in the right direction.