Monday, October 20, 2014

Weekly Reading: 10/20/14

We begin by pulling 3 cards to get our insight for the week ahead. 

What will this week be like?: 
The Hierophant- A lot of interactions this week will revolve around ethics, especially those that you find in the workplace or around large groups that you're involved in. Stick to what you believe is right and the right thing to do, even if you find others may disagree. 

How should I approach this week?: 
Daughter of Skulls (Pentacles)- Remember that what you put out, you get in return. Keep in mind your ability to create and manifest things around you including opportunities you may be looking to receive. Stay positive, and stay optimistic about things. What you sow, you reap so take the time to sow good energy! 

What do I need to watch out for this week?: 
Eight of Scepters (Wands)- Things can easily get out of hand this week. So be mindful of the time limits you're given to complete things and make sure you work at a steady pace (Not too quickly or slowly). Make mini-goals to reach during the week to make sure you're on track and focused. Tackle problems early on as they too can take on speed and get away from you before you know it. 

The oracle portion of this reading brings up the Primal card. This card tells us to work off our instinct this week. Trust what our gut says and when we are unsure, to take a moment to step back and connect deep to this current that we all share which can point us in the right direction. 

Oracle Review: Les Vampires Oracle

Jasmine Becket-Griffith is by far my favorite artist. Since I was in highschool I'd fallen in love with her artwork filled with mermaids, fae, and even everyday women. Her Oracle of Shadows and Light is my all time favorite divination deck in my entire collection. 

So needless to say I think I own every one of her decks she's published. (There's a tarot out in December and a mermaid themed one coming out not much long after!!) 

Keeping with this week's theme of vampires I've decided to review this lovely deck. 

To me, it has a very Victorian feel. Which I LOVE! And of course all the art is done by Becket-Griffith, so no surprises there. Just a continuation of her amazing talent. There isn't just vampires in this deck. We find dark Fae, darker nature spirits, and even spirits. All with the continued message of looking inward towards our shadow selves and learning about that side of us. 

This deck is very easy to read with, a small note of what the card means is underneath it's title. It's not hard at all to use your intuitive reading skills to pick up things pictorally from the artwork. This gives multiple layers to a reading. 

Unlike quite a few oracles this deck is very well balanced between cards that focus around both positive and negative aspects of everyday life. Not to mention the numerous cards that urge one to be confident and stick to who they are. I've noticed this before in her decks-- while they are not all love and light they definitely will tell you to stand up for yourself and be proud of who you are. 

I would recommend this deck to anyone who loves a more gothic style of artwork, who is looking for a deck that can be used to better yourself. 

Tarot Review: Tarot of Vampyres

I'm very picky about "dark" or "horror" themed decks. Simply because there's a lot that can go wrong to turn me off from one. The Tarot of Vampyres was one of my first "dark" decks and it didn't disappoint! In the years since I purchased it, I've come back to it time and time again appreciating the gorgeous artwork and the creative approach.

The colors in this deck are very rich, popping nicely against the dark backgrounds. There's a nice balance between imagery of blood (Which is essential in anything vampire-themed) and sensual scenes. The vampires in this deck are portrayed as intelligent, confident creatures using their strength and powers to get their way.

The suits are named differently. Scepters for Wands, Grails for cups, Knives for swords, and Skulls for Pentacles.

And there's something very unique about them...

In each suit the vampires have an inner 'animal' which in some cards is portrayed almost as a spirit animal, and in others it seems they can transform into them. Wands have the panther, Cups the serpent, Swords the crow, and Pentacles the Wolf. All creatures associated with supernatural creatures of the night. In the cards you will find planetary symbols which you can use to give an even deeper reading-- a nice little extra which can be helpful when you're drawing a blank.

The cards depict a vampiric take on RWS card imagery. The artwork is amazing! It's what drew me to this deck and I'm very happy to own it. It shouldn't be too much of a problem for anyone to read with this deck beginner or expert. The accompaniment book is worth a glance as it's well written.

Out of all my gothic-themed decks, this is probably my favorite.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Oracle Review: The Enchanted Map

The Enchanted Map is one of my most used Oracles. It transports you to a world full of different adventures and settings straight out of a story book. All while giving down to earth, useful advice for progressing in ones life and achieving our most sought-after goals.

In these cards you'll find settings of all types. From deserts to icy lairs in which dragons live, the scenery in these cards is downright beautiful. Each card depicts a message of advice, presented in a gentle and loving way. Creatures of all kinds are scattered through the cards. Dragons, Faeries, Giraffes, Dolphins. Each invites you into their world to teach you what you need to know to be the best you can be.

I find these cards leave lots of food for thought in their messages. The cards are easy enough to read with some practice and a glance at the well written booklet. This is one of my favorite oracles simply because the artwork is done so well and the messages are perfect for daily advice.

Tarot Review: The Zombie Tarot

In the spirit of the month of October and all things spooky, I begin with one of my all time favorite decks: The Zombie Tarot.

Like it's sister deck, the Housewives Tarot, this deck has a very 50's kitsch feel to it. Alongside iconic images like classic cars and fashion are an army of the undead stumbling through each scene.

Scenes in this deck are RWS based (though modernized) and easy enough for a beginner to read from. Many of the scenes are quite humorous like in the Eight of Wands where a woman on roller skates flees from her pursuer- a zombie also sporting skates. Most of this deck's cards carry a lighthearted tongue-in-cheek feel which helps to downplay the gore. Though I usually avoid things with gore in them, I had no issue working with this deck. In fact, I fell in love with it.

Readings with this deck have never been an issue to me. Scenes almost come to life and it's very easy to pick up on what the card's meaning is. As I said before it is RWS based, though the artist took lots of artistic liberties to make this a one of a kind deck.

Though this deck is perfect for the Halloween season, I find myself using it frequently at any time during the year.

Cardstock is nice and sturdy, though not too glossy. I very much so like the cardstock. When I first opened this deck I don't think there was anything I disliked about it. Including the box which is made to look like a box of shotgun shells. I can see the time and effort everyone involved put out into this deck and I appreciate it! If only every deck had this much love put into the making!

Pricing for the Zombie Tarot is reasonable, 14.97 on Amazon.

If you would like a reading from me with this tarot deck, please click [Here]

Weekly Oracle Reading: The Enchanted Map

This week, we pulled "Stuck in the Mud" from the Enchanted Map Oracle. 

Being stuck in the mud is a part of life. Even the most determined of individuals find themselves feeling stuck and unsure of where to advance on their path to their desires. The key to getting unstuck, is not necessarily to fight the flow of things or to put extra effort you don't have into them. That can just as easily sink you deeper! The key is to take the time to reorient yourself. Re-evaluate where you want to go with the journey you're on. From there you can find where to go next, and slowly but steadily pull yourself out of the rut and continue on! 

Do you want a reading from me? Click [Here] 

Weekly Tarot Reading: 10/8/14

A simple three card spread lays out what we need to know this week.

What will this week be like?
The Six of Cups: You may find your mind wandering towards nostalgic memories, or finding things in daily life that trigger them. These are things that provide comfort and joy regardless of what's going on in your life. You may even find yourself seeking to recreate those memories through a home cooked meal, or contacting a long time friend to reconnect. Take time to do so, remembering what makes your roots is important in today's world.

How should I approach this week?
The Chariot: The chariot represents our ride through life towards our major goals. Ideally when the Chariot comes up for this question it is a reminder that sometimes we can lose control of our own pace, and before we know it we're off the tracks. Remember to take things slow and steady and regardless, keep focused on what we desire most.

What do I need to watch out for this week?
Ten of Wands: When we are motivated, we often yearn to take on more and more work and responsibility to get as close to our goals as possible. This desire can blind us to how much we can actually handle. Be careful not to bite off more than you can chew. Remember to pace yourself, take breathers, and keep an eye out for future problems well before they arrive.

Do you want a custom tarot reading with this deck? Click [Here] to find out how to book one!