Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Weekly Tarot Reading: 10/8/14

A simple three card spread lays out what we need to know this week.

What will this week be like?
The Six of Cups: You may find your mind wandering towards nostalgic memories, or finding things in daily life that trigger them. These are things that provide comfort and joy regardless of what's going on in your life. You may even find yourself seeking to recreate those memories through a home cooked meal, or contacting a long time friend to reconnect. Take time to do so, remembering what makes your roots is important in today's world.

How should I approach this week?
The Chariot: The chariot represents our ride through life towards our major goals. Ideally when the Chariot comes up for this question it is a reminder that sometimes we can lose control of our own pace, and before we know it we're off the tracks. Remember to take things slow and steady and regardless, keep focused on what we desire most.

What do I need to watch out for this week?
Ten of Wands: When we are motivated, we often yearn to take on more and more work and responsibility to get as close to our goals as possible. This desire can blind us to how much we can actually handle. Be careful not to bite off more than you can chew. Remember to pace yourself, take breathers, and keep an eye out for future problems well before they arrive.

Do you want a custom tarot reading with this deck? Click [Here] to find out how to book one!

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