About My Services

I have been a reader for a little under a decade, working with the cards since I was in my early teens.

I truly believe that everyone has a special gift. For me, it is seeing things in the images and symbols of the cards that others cannot. I handle and read from my cards daily. If it is not for a client, it is for myself.

I have quite a large collection of decks which you can view the list of [Here].

When I perform a reading, I do so in a way that allows me to gain the most information from the cards laid out before me. I center myself, and let the intuitive information make its way from my unconscious mind, to the conscious one. I interpret this information, taking time to let anything else come forth. And then send it on to you. This is one reason why email-readings work so well for me. I have the time to organize all the information into a format that is easy to understand and process.

When I perform a reading, your questions and needs are the only thing that is my focus. Getting you the answers you seek is first and foremost to me.

If you would like to know more, or if you would like to book a reading you can learn more, as well as how to contact me, through [Here]